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Oscar Tomico

Technical University Eindhoven
Dr. Oscar Tomico is Assistant Professor of the Designing Quality in Interaction Research Group, part of the Wearable Senses lab at TU Eindhoven. Current projects focus on the textile industry and involve stakeholders during the design process to create ultra-personalized smart textile services in the form of soft wearables. He is involved in H2020 projects like ArcInTexETN (2015), and Dutch national projects like Crafting Wearables and CRISP Smart Textile Services (project leader). He currently consults for companies like EURECAT (Spain). He has been recently guest researcher and lecturer in AUT NZ, TaiwanTech (NTUST), Swedish School of Textiles, Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalunya. He co-organized events like Careful Designs and Hypercrafting Fashion (Waag Sociecy), and Smart services, smart production, smart textiles debate (DHUB Barcelona). He curated the “Systems Design - Eindhoven School” exhibition at DHUB (2012) and the “Smart Textiles – Wearable Services” exhibition at TextielMuseum (Tilburg, 2015).